The primary mission of the NAACFRC is to provide national leadership & excellence in community-engaged research to better serve African American children & families.
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) elevates the communities’ perspectives, preferences, & priorities for whom programs & policies are developed.
CBPR is defined as “a collaborative research approach that is designed to ensure and establish structures for participation by communities affected by the issue being studied, representatives of organizations, and researchers in all aspects of the research process to improve health and well-being through taking action, including social change.”

The Center uses Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) as the framework for its research priorities which are to identify, assess and measure:
- The needs, assets, & experiences of African American children & families in national datasets.
- Barriers & facilitators that impact human service provision to & utilization by African Americans
- Strategies to promote the social & economic well-being of African American children & families
- Approaches for service provision to African American children & families
The NAACFRC will produce and disseminate research that broadly focuses on child development (Early Head Start & Head Start), child care assistance, and social & economic mobility (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).